View  No. 1-3


Photography in Context 

At HFBK Hamburg
8.8. - 28.8.2022

Fine Art Print
75cm x 50cm

It is the change of perspective when looking out of the window that is referred to in these photographic views of space. 

The improbable encounter of two actually separate realities as a multi-layered interplay of reality and construction. In this interrelationship, the architecture represents the generic stage space for what is happening outside. Through the absence of people, the viewers become voyeurs in the private world of the inhabitants. A view through the window breaks with this first reality and shows the contrast to the outside world. 

The pictorial levels, which initially correspond to an apparent reality, enter into an increasingly unreal relationship with one another. The dialogue between these levels is intended to question the coexistence of reality and constructed reality.

Text: Alex Harbich 

© Pia Pospischil