Supervision No.3
Video Sculpture


Duo Show with Hendrik Jaich
Curated by Luise Nübling

At Schweizer 5
Schweizer Straße 5,  60594 Frankfurt am Main
5.7. - 7.7.2024
Glass Fiber, Polyester Resin, Screen
Video: 4:00min Loop
160cm x 65cm x 185cm

For the third video sculpture in this series, Pia Pospischil made a replica of the front of her Saab 900i out of fiberglass. The car belonged to her parents for decades and carries a long relationship history for the artist. The incompleteness of the sculpture, the rough structure and hard edges bear witness to the friction, unevenness and movements that arise in a partnership, as well as to the breaking with preconceived relationship dynamics and the simultaneous clinging to the familiar.  Embedded in the sculpture, the video picks up on this thematically and captures the intimate moment of a couple immediately after the crash. Unclear as to what exactly happened, the viewers become observers. They gaze into the unknown and ask questions about both the future and the couple's past. The tension is deafening, while the calm and stillness of the images contrast with the misfortune. The desire for reconciliation grows as they watch, while the hopelessness of the situation becomes ever clearer and their own powerlessness more obvious.

Text: Luise Nübling

Video Link:

© Pia Pospischil