Supervision No.2
Video Sculpture


Out Of The Blue
Group Show

At Boehringer Areal 
73033 Göppingen
30.6. - 2.7.2023
Terry Cloth, Mixed Media, Screen
Video: 3:59min Loop
230cm x 80cm x 60cm 

The larger-than-life sculpture, covered in hardened terry cloth, rises up in front of the viewer. It appears to be looking at its counterpart, while the video reproduces past observations. With an observant eye, humanity is analyzed on the basis of patterns of behavior in interpersonal relationships.
Supervision No.2, a continuation of the sculpture series, deals with friendship among young men. Stereotypical gender images have long denied men in our society the emotional capacity for care and tenderness. Male friendships were reduced to superficialities and intimacy was ridiculed. This dynamic is gradually changing. The young men in the video are there for each other, share, play and compete with each other. The familiarity, affection and connection is noticeably appreciated.

Text: Luise Nübling

Video Link:

© Pia Pospischil